
What Is The Need For Fistula Treatment?

An anal fistula is a tiny tunnel that runs from an infected gland inside the anus to a skin hole around the anus. Pain and swelling around the anus are common symptoms.  An anal fistula is a short tunnel that connects an abscess, a cavity in the anus that is diseased, to a skin hole around the anus. The external orifice via which feces are discharged from the body is known as the anus. Several tiny glands that produce mucus are located just inside the anus. These glands can occasionally become clogged and infected, resulting in an abscess. A fistula can form in about half of these abscesses. Some Symptoms Of Anal Fistula! If you are seeing the below-mentioned symptoms, then you should not delay taking the treatment of anal fistula: Recurrent anal infection Troubled bowel movements Constant fever Laziness Irritation in the skin near anus area  Awful smell in the anal region Unusual bleeding So, if you find any of the above symptoms, you need to see the doctor or get the fistula treatmen